
在宅勤務でも自分は、朝昼晩と3㎞のランニングをしているため、運動不足とは無縁だと思っていた。 しかしながら、実際はそうでもなく、自分もやっぱり運動不足になるのだ、と理解した。それは簡単な理由だが、雨の日。 朝昼晩と走れなくなると、極端に運動量は減ってしまう。1日で歩数が2千歩とかの状況だ。 1日ずっと雨という日は少ないので、なんとか、朝昼晩のいずれかくらいを走ってはいるが、それでも運動量が少ない。 結果はどうなるか、というと体重増。 家の中での筋トレとか、ステップ運動とか、まじめに考えてみよう。


Even when working at home, I thought that I was free from the lack of exercise because I was running for 3km in the morning, day and night.
However, I realized that this was not the case, and that I would also lack exercise. It's a simple reason, but it's a rainy day.
If I can't run in the morning, day or night, your exercise amount will decrease extremely. The situation is that the number of steps is 2,000 in a day.
I don't have many rainy days all day long, so I manage to run in the morning or afternoon, but I still have a small amount of exercise.
The result is weight gain.
Let's seriously think about muscle training in the house or step exercises etc..