
土曜日に茨城の実家で草刈りをして、草にかぶれた、と記事を書いたが、そのアレルギーがなかなかなおらない。 かぶれているのは、首の付け根と、腕の肘の部分の内側だが、まっかな湿疹が残ったまま。 そしてそれは、夕方から夜間にかけて強いかゆみを生じる。 このかゆみが厄介で、夜中に1度、ないし2度、目が覚めてしまい、その結果、寝不足。 薬はなるべく飲みたくないが、夜中にかゆみで起きたときは、やむなく飲んでいる。 あと数日、この状況が続くようなら、病院に行かねばと思う。

■Allergies are hard to cure

On Saturday, I wrote an article saying that I had mowed at my parents' house in Ibaraki and I had a rash on the grass, but my allergies did not go away.
The rash is on the inside of the base of the neck and the elbows of the arms, but the eczema remains.
And it produces a strong itching from evening to night.
This itching is awkward and I wake up once or twice in the middle of the night, resulting in lack of sleep.
I don't want to take medicine as much as possible, but when I get up in the itch in the middle of the night, I take it unavoidably.
If this situation persists for the next few days, I'll have to go to the hospital.