
今週末がクラスタのフリーコンサート。 3月のフリーコンサート以来だから、ほぼ3か月ぶり。 再開できてなによりだ。 今月は、またテーマを決めての選曲でやる。今回の選曲は「思い出」。 本当は、「自分のなんらかの思い出に繋がる曲」みたいな感じで、語りも工夫して、みたいなことも考えたが、具体的なことを考え始めて、これはやめた方がよい、と思ってしまった。 結局、曲名で「思い出」に繋がる曲を選曲した。 しかし、我ながら思うが、「相変わらず古い曲からの選曲」だ。 楽しい時間にしよう。

For Classta free concert after long absence

This weekend is a Classta free concert.
It's been 3 months since it was a free concert in March.
It's all about restarting.
This month, I'll decide the theme again to select songs. The song selected this time is "memories".
Actually, I thought about something like "a song that leads to some kind of memories of me", devised narrative, and thought about something like that, but after I started thinking about specific things, I thought that I should stop this ..
In the end, we chose songs that lead to "memories" by song name.
However, I think that it is "selection from old songs as usual".

Let’s have a good time.