
上手に書こう、と思っての字も、もちろん自分の字だが、下手でも読めればいい、として一番楽に、そしてできるだけ思考に近いスピードで書く字が、本来の自分の字かな、と思う。 そういう字、上手ではないけれど、書きたいことが読み取れ、気持ちがなんとなくわかる字というのを大事にしていこう。

■My writing letters

The letters that I think I should write well are of course my own, but I think that the letters that I write most comfortably and as fast as I can think of are my own letters.
Although it is not good at such characters, it is important to be able to read what I want to write and understand my feelings.