

今日、自分の仕事は、そういう「そもそも・・・」という質問を集中的に受けてチェックされる会議を対応した。 予想通り大変だったが、意味のある対応であったと思う。 ただ、個人的なところに関しては、「そもそも・・・」といった質問はあまり意味がないかもしれない、とも思う。 なんで自分はギターを弾くのか、ランニングをするのか、鳥をみるのか、いずれも「楽しいから」の一言であろうから。

■Simple question

The question of "... in the first place" is difficult.

Today, my job corresponded to a meeting in which such questions as "... in the first place" were focused and checked.
As expected, it was difficult, but I think it was a meaningful response.
However, regarding personal matters, I think that a question such as "in the first place" may not make much sense.
Why do I play the guitar, run, or watch the birds, all because it's fun.