
外出規制が出ているゴールデンウィーク中、ほとんど自宅付近で過ごしていたが、あまりに出かけないのも残念かな、と思い、早起きして秦野の弘法山へバードウォッチングに行ってきた。いつものように家内もいっしょ。 予想通り、駐車場は使用禁止になっている。迷惑にならない場所を選んで、車を止め、その周りのみでバードウォッチングをした。万が一、車が邪魔になれば、即移動させることができるよう、と思ってのこと。 バードウォッチングの結果だが、きれいなキビタキに会うことができた。1か所で30分くらい粘ったが、何も出てこず、ここはダメかな、と思い始めたくらいで、急にキビタキのさえずりが近くに。そして新緑の中、とてもきれいなキビタキ登場。生き生きとした写真が何枚か撮れた。よかった。 朝5時半くらいに出発して、9時半くらいで帰路へ。 こういうバードウォッチングであれば、家内以外の人とはほぼ会わないため、人との接触削減には貢献しているはず。 やってみて思ったが、このスタイルで、もっと休み中で歩いてもよかったかも。 明日もどっかいってみようかな。


■Get up early and birdwatch


I spent most of my time near my home during the GW, but I regret that I didn't go out at all in GW, so I woke up early and went to Koboyama in Hadano for bird-watching as always with my wife.
As expected, parking is prohibited. I chose a place of the

parking the car where is not getting in the way for the other car. And I did bird watching only around there. I thought that if the car got in the way, I could move it immediately.


As a result of bird watching, I was able to meet a beautiful Kibitaki. At first, for about 30 minutes I didn’t meet any bird, so I started thinking that this place was useless, and suddenly I heard the chirp near. And in the fresh green, a very beautiful Kibitaki appears. I was able to take some vivid pictures. It was so good.
Depart at about 5:30 in the morning and return at about 9:30.

With this kind of bird watching, since I rarely meet people other than my wife, it should help reduce contact with people.
I thought I'd give it a try, but maybe I could have walked more in this style.


As expected, parking is prohibited. I chose a place that wouldn't bother me, parked the car, and did bird watching only around it. I thought that if the car got in the way, I could move it immediately.
As a result of bird watching, I was able to meet a beautiful Kibitaki. I was tenacious in one place for about 30 minutes, but nothing came out and I started thinking that it was useless, and suddenly the chirping chirp was near. And in the fresh green, a very beautiful Kibitaki appears. I was able to take some vivid pictures. Was good.
Depart at about 5:30 in the morning and return at about 9:30.
With this kind of bird watching, since I rarely meet people other than my wife, it should help reduce contact with people.

I wondor where should I go tomorrow?