
6月1日は、ひさしぶりの出社。 個人的には、在宅勤務が結構気に入ってきていたこともあって、久しぶりの出社勤務に、ちょっとブルーな気分であった。 しかし出社してみると、そうでもなく、いつもの日常になった。 在宅勤務で一番心配だったのが会議であったが、在宅勤務での会議になれてみると、人を集める手間が楽だし、会議室の準備も不要、遠隔地の方も普通に出席者にできる、という利点があって、実は便利だ、と理解した。 ただ、会社にでてみると、「ちょっとした相談」は、やっぱり直接会話でのやり取りの方が断然楽と気づいた。 以上、いろいろ考えるが、これまでは出社業務しかなかったが、これからは在宅勤務を一定割合で入れていくことが、一般的になっていくのではと思う。

■Work from home and work from office

June 1st is the first time I've been in the office for a month. Personally, I liked working from home quite a bit, so I felt a little blue for working at office.
However, when I came to work in office, it was not worrying, and it became my usual daily life.
The most worrying thing about working from home was the meeting, but when I got to work at home, it was easy to gather people, there was no need to prepare a meeting room, and people in remote areas usually attended. I understand that it is actually convenient because it has the advantage that anyone can do it.
However, when I went to the office, I realized that it was much easier to have direct conversations for "a little consultation."
So far, I think about various things, but until now there was only going to office, I think that it will become more common to work from home.