
昼休みのランニングがかなり暑くなってきた。 そういう状況だが、月曜日は、思い切り走って、自分の現状の実力を確認。1㎞を4分50秒台で走れる走力は維持していることを確認した。 ただ、その結果として、翌日の火曜日はちょっとだけ筋肉痛。 ゆっくりと2.5㎞のジョグにとどめた。 それにしてもずいぶん暑くなった。2.5㎞のゆっくりのジョグでも、汗はかなりでてくる。そして、自分は実はこういうのが大好き。夏の間にたっぷり汗をかいて、身体を活性化させていこうと思う。

■The current status of running during lunch break

Running during lunchtime has become quite hot.
In such a situation, on Monday, I rushed to check my current ability. It was confirmed that the running ability to run 1 km in 4 minutes and 50 seconds was maintained.
However, as a result, I had a little muscle aches the following Tuesday. So, I decreased the running speed, and took the distance only 2.5km.
Even so, it became a lot hot. Even with a slow jog of 2.5 km, I got a lot of sweat.

However, I really like this hot situation. I'll sweat a lot during the summer to rejuvenate my body.